2011 "Hall of Flame" Calendar Launch


Goyder Pavilion
13th August, 2010

6.30pm for 8pm start


WHERE: Reception, Adelaide Station.

WHEN: Monday 26th July 9am - 4pm

HOW: Strickly Cash only

Tickets: $50 per person, includes:


*2011 "Hall of Flame" Calendar

*Goodie Bag, including:
- Piccolo of Champagne,
- give aways and vouchers.

*hours of "Entertainment"!

Champagne, Wine, Frozen Daiquiris,
Beer & food available to buy.
Please note: No BYO food or drink!

10 person Food Platters available on
"Newsletter list Pre Order-Pre Pay ONLY".

Platter Order Form will be send via email to our Newsletter List.


To register your interest in pre sales tickets

to our "2011 Calendar Launch Night"

Click Here to get on our email list!