PokerWhisprr Hole Cards Record App on iOS coming soon

Poker Whisprr Hole Cards Record App - keeping you accountable for your starting hand decision?





So how does the Hole Cards Record App™ work?

Poker Whisprr Hole Cards Record v6.2(5)
Record your Hole Cards in just 8 seconds.
Every Record is date/time stamped into the Results Dashboard.
Results Dashboard records are then Exported in Excel/Numbers format for uploading to files for later review (perhaps against solver or hand strength matrix).

The app opens with the "How to use PW Hole Cards Records" screen.
Read the instructions and tap the top right hand corner ARROW to proceed to:

Upload Dashboard:-
At the end of every hand tap through:
~ Table Position,
~ 1st Hole Card,
~ 2nd Hole Card,
~ Define: your hand as suited, offsuit or paired, then
~ Action: choose either Called, Raised or Folded, then
~ Results: as Won, Lost or Folded, then
~ Save to Records, all done in just 8 seconds.
~ Tap the Reset Button to clear the screen ready for your next hand.

Results Dashboard:-
Export All:
Tap Export All button to save the latest batch of Records in Excel or Numbers format to your files folder on your phone.

Clear All:
Tap Clear All to reset the Results Dash to empty - ready for your next round of Hole Cards Records.

Saved to files on your phone ready to review or upload to desktop.

How to Use:-
Clear explanation on how to use Hole Cards Record plus website for more information about the PokerWhisprr suite of apps for poker players.
Privacy and EULA link.

Look out for PokerWhisprr Audio Coach app and PokerWhisprr Hand Strength Quiz app coming out soon.

Further details at www.PokerWhisprr.com

Steve Grealy
South Australia



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